Small Groups
Teaching i Learning i Sharing
What are Small Groups?
Small Groups are the heart of a church. They are the time we gather together with friends and learn and grow together in relationships and faith. You will typically meet once a week and dive into the bible or a bible study. Here you can ask questions and learn in a more intimate setting about God's teachings. We encourage everyone to join a bible study to connect with an even closer community within our church at St. James.
How Do I Join A Small Group?
The first steps is to decide what study you would like to be a part of. We have a large number of bible studies to choose from and they are all listed below. You can join a bible study by contacting the leaders of the study, or by connecting with our office to learn about the studies.
What Small Groups Are Offered?
Ladies Morning
Bible Study
Want to explore God’s Book (The Bible)? Why not join other ladies in their journey through the Bible? We either use prepared study material which focuses on individual books of the Bible, or sometimes we are led through DVD studies by world renowned spiritual leaders such as Max Lucado, Andy Stanley or John Ortberg. We also have fellowship and prayer time. Hope to see you on Friday mornings.
Brite Ave
Bible Study
The Brite Ave Study meets Thursday at 7 pm at 14 Brite Ave (Bible Hill) except for the third Thursday of the month as most of our group helps with the Community Dinner. Our group is made up of single and married people, retired and still working so we are not readily labeled. We usually use a Video and study guide for our discussion. Favorite authors are John Ortberg, Max Lucado and Andy Stanley.
Most recently we completed a study by Tim Keller. A typical evening has people gathering and catching up for the first few minutes of our time together then moving into a time of study. We end our session with a time of prayer. Coffee, tea and snacks are always a part of the evening.
Usually we meet for about two hours. Anyone is welcome to join our group. Starting in the Spring of 2019 we are going to do a study based on the movie I Can Only Imagine.