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VBS is coming soon! Register soon and you can join in the fun!
St. James VBS is being held between July 8-9th We are going to have a Shipwrecked VBS from Group. Our leaders are creative, funny and Amazing singers. This year will be a blast. Register your children below !
What is VBS?
VBS stands for Vacation Bible School.
Each summer we host a VBS program for children aged 5-12. This year our VBS is:
July 8th, 2022- 5:45pm- 7:45pm
July 9th, 2022- 8:45am-11:45am
July 10th, 2022- 10am-11am worship service/closing (we ask that parents stay with children during the morning service)
**This is a free program hosted for anyone who would like to attend.
This year's vbs
This Years VBS is called Shipwrecked. We are excited to play games and explore God's Word. Each day follows our "Group" curriculum "Shipwrecked". The Children will venture onto an uncharted island where they will survive and thrive. Each day at Shipwrecked VBS, kids travel through field-tested rotations that reinforce relevant Bible Points and immerse kids through skits, lessons, games,and crafts.
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